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Rating your Affiliate Business High on Search Engines

The competition for bigger business in online marketing gave way to strategies that gave also gave way to spamming. This is not to say though that everyone who practiced tricks similar to spamming activities is an unscrupulous business site owner. There have been activities that are smart to use if the site owner wants to attract more visits to his website. However, to level the playing field, search engine companies have devised ways to reduce this if not to altogether pull all the stops. Not addressing the issues will only make the information brought forth by search engines unreliable, it will also loose their users.

Search engines today can easily detect and bring down a sites relevancy ratings when it has detected keyword stuffing in meta tags, irrelevant keywords, irrelevant linkages, link farms and free for all links are being practiced by a website owner.

Having said that here are a few options for you to do to increase your ratings without having to go through the practices that search engines frowns on.

· Link only with relevant sites. Linking with relevant sites places you together with a common targeted market. Search engines gives high ratings also for the quality of content common to what you have. It also looks at the kind of presence that the links has.
The more relevant the common content has, the better it will place you on ratings.

Make sure that the keyword in your domain is not in the stem of a URL but in the root. Search engines can penalize you for including keywords that are not in the root of a URL

· Include only relevant keywords in your Meta keyword tags. You can be penalized by search engines for including keywords that have nothing to do with the content in your website.

· Search engines will also penalize pointer pages in your site. To avoid this, create contents rich pages that will provide users with useful information. Creating multiple sites that have no content except for the purpose of point the doorway to your site can also be detected and penalized.

Content rich information can also drive the traffic to your site.

Having content rich information pages can boost your ranking. Search engines love content rich pages and will redirect traffic to your site.

· Submitting your site to online directories can also improve traffic to your site. Do not limit your submission to big directories. Having your site on smaller directories can increase your ranking with major search engines.

· Link with content rich sites. You do not have to stop with one info page. The more you create links with relevant sites, the more you can multiply your site with separate links that points to your site where you can use specific keyword phrases to each individual site.

Search engines are from time to time changing its algorithms to detect tactics that inline marketing sometimes apply in order to stay keep up with the rankings. The rules of this game is being changed from time to time so you can get the most out of the free searches that is being done in this channel. It is good practice to stay on the better side of the search engine game.

Search engines today may not be using a common approach in ranking sites. What may rank high for Yahoo may rank lower in Google and vice versa. No matter, it good practice to always stay on the good side of search engine game.


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