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Creating Your Own Identity as a Marketing Affiliate Part 2

Here are other suggestions to create for yourself your own identity that sets you apart from your merchant affiliate wherein your customer can perceive you in a better light.

Your customers are your major assets. It is only fitting that everything is done to draw them to your site and for them to identify you as a reliable product provider. When you have branded yourself, you are set apart from the so many websites that are today offering their own brand of services and their own kind of selling. Then you attract more customers per click.

How do you Rate your Merchant?

The past and present operations of your merchant play a great role in how your customers will rate you. You can find this out through the merchants existing affiliates.

Find out the paying rate of your merchant. There are merchants that will credit you with sales from your previous referral that now clicked direct to their site.


The Products
Be sure about the product that you are selling. Again this is a great source of disappointment and the falling out of customers from and affiliates customers' list.

If the customers you refer are delivered with inferior products or does not receive a service stipulated in a sales agreement, your website suffers. A dissatisfied customer is ripe ground for negative word of mouth advertising. You want to brand yourself as a reliable seller. This is often the only way of longevity in the business.

The Price
Make sure also that the products your merchant is selling is not overpriced. If a similar product can be had in the regular outlets at much lower list prices, your site will receive a negative reaction.

Price Perceptions
One of the things that make multi level marketing a pushing channel is that there has been a perception that it sometimes sells overpriced product.

The term over priced is an ambiguous jargon, but there is no telling how a customer reacts when he feels that he could have gotten the same product or service elsewhere for a reduced price.


Check for testimonials. Find out from other marketing affiliates of the merchant. The products' quality must deliver what it claimed. Imagine being referred yourself to a website only to find out later that the products delivered to you lived short of what it promised. Your customers will feel the same. You would never want to be identified with the merchant again.

To be sure of a products quality, some marketing affiliates try out the products of the merchant themselves. Doing this offers a lot of advantages for you and your customer. Not in the least is the confidence of being responsible for delivering a product that you yourself are satisfied in.

The merchant affiliates have also been on the receiving end of some of the risks of trickery and scams that crowds even in best market conditions. They are creating new innovations, practices, formulas and sales mixes to protect themselves and to advance this side of marketing that is proving to be one of the most effective marketing tools in the internet.

The marketing affiliate program had been gaining grounds since its inception. It is continuing and is in fact a far cry from its beginnings in 1996. Improvements and innovations are being adopted because it is a very good tool at advancing marketing concepts through the web.


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