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Take Your Affiliate Business to level 202

You have heard about the 101's, those are for dummies, this is not.

If your are still stuck with being a marketing affiliate that chooses merchants that gives the highest commission rate and the pay per click program, and the manner at which you have been doing the business has changed very little, then you are definitely stuck.

This is the reason why there have been marketing affiliates that are frustrated, (there is always the talk of big bucks that somehow does not pour in), or have totally given up.

Projection last year was that $53 billion has changed hands in the affiliate business alone. Although this is still to be confirmed, and even if it falls short of that, it still shows that this business is a money- maker.

Just like most businesses, there are the innovative and the motivated that rakes up most of the pot. In multi level marketing, 50 out of every 1000 takes up most of the earnings, it is the same with affiliate marketing. 5% are taking the mass additional income while 95% rests with the scrapings.

Here is how to take your business to level #2

1. Establish recall. Your experience has shown you that very few customers buy after the first click. Have a name squeeze page that capture your prospects name and e-mail address. If you can have that on your list, you can make follow up on your leads trough your autoresponder. Keeping your products fresh in the customer's mind greatly improves your chance at generating more sales and not losing your customers and inquiries to other more aggressive sites and dishonest network affiliates.

2. Create articles. Have a website the give reviews on your products. Make it very objective so that it does not appear like hard selling. If the benefits are attractive, say it. Couple that with actual results. Send newsletters. Provided it is not impartial, it will be able to establish your credibility.

3. Offer bonuses, discounts and other promotional materials at your disposal. An effective way to do this is to discreetly do this one at a time although if you choose, depending on the selling condition, offer most of it at the same time. Give them a reason to buy from your affiliate link. Make your bonus materials related to the function of the main product you are selling.

4. Make your products very user friendly. If you can create materials that will help them better understand the application, do it. This will make it easier for them to use the product even without the manual. This method is particularly useful when selling software. Your job is to pre sell. Once you get the customers trust, there is a very big chance that they will come to you again and again.

5. Practice cross promotion. You promote other products that are offer in you site or you offer them at a discounted price. Many affiliates are embarrassed to ask. The suggestion is do not. Ask your self this. What is the worst thing that could happen if the customer refuse. What is it that you stand to gain.

If your site has been visited and the lead did not buy, ask them why. You will be surprised at the insight that you will get. That could be a good tool in improving your methods next time.

The game is improvement, innovation, listening to your customers, follow up, staying on top and hard work. There is no other alternative.


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